The Liqueurs


The vineyard of Chablis is made out of four A.O.P.’s:
Chablis Grand Cru, Chablis Premier Cru, Chablis, Petit Chablis. It’s grape variety is unique, called Chardonnay. This grape variety finds an unparallelled minerality in the vineyard of Chablis. It’s yield is numbered at 45 hectolitres per hectare for the Grands Crus, 50 hectolitres per hectare for Premier Crus, Chablis and Petit Chablis.

Vinification is realized in steel tanks and fermentation on fine lies at controlled temperature. Maturation is effected with light filtration and ageing in cellar at constant temperature. After 8 to 12 months, Chablis is finally bottled.

Blackcurrant liqueur


Discovered in 1841 as a liqueur. Previously, blackcurrant was mostly cultivated as a table fruit, but also praised for the therapeutic qualitities of its leaves. 
During the 20th century, the blackcurrant cultivation expanded and rationalized to soon concentrate in the area of Côte d’Or.
These days the small black berry bushes cover our plateaux of Hautes-Côtes.

Blackcurrant liqueur is made by infusion. After bursting them gently, the fruit is macerated, cold, on neutral alcohol. This alcohol will, during the 4 weeks of maceration, gorge itself with the colour and aromas of the fruit.
A blackcurrant liqueur needs to be composed of minimum 15% alcohol, 400 grams of sugar and 200 grams of fruit.

The fruits are carefully selected and originate from the two varieties that are most adapted to this fabrication, the Royal of Naples and the Black of Burgundy.

The most known blackcurrant liqueur- based beverage has to be Kir. It is the canon KIR, famous deputy mayor of Dijon in the 40’s, that immortalized this exhilarating beverage, made out of Aligoté and blackcurrant liqueur. Kir can be dry (1/5 Blackcurrant Liqueur and 4/5 Aligoté) or mild (1/4 Blackcurrant Liqueur and 3/4 Aligoté) or “royal” (1/5 Blackcurrant Liqueur and 4/5 sec or brut sparkling wine ) or “cardinal” (1/5 Blackcurrant Liqueur and 4/5 iced Beaujolais).


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Blackberry Liqueur

Wild blackberry, what a delight!

By assembling the macerated fruits in alcohol and perfectely dosed aromas, we obtain the perfect restitution of these little black fruits.

The Blackberry Liqueur will joyfully accompany all white wines, Crémants, champagne and cocktails.
Served with caution on all icecream and desserts, it will marvellously complete all fragrances.



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 Liqueur de Framboise

Par ce même assemblage de macération de fruits dans l’alcool et d’arômes parfaitement dosés, nous obtenons la restitution idéale de ce goût authentique, proche des framboises sauvages cueillies lors de nos promenades estivales.

La crème de framboise accompagne aussi avec bonheur les vins blancscrémantschampagne et cocktails.
Servie avec précaution sur les glaces et desserts, elle en complètera délicatement les parfums…

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Cherry Liqueur

By using the same assembling technique of macerating the fruit in alcohol and perfectly dosed aromas, we will obtain the ideal restitution of its taste of core and fruit picked right of the tree.

Cherry liqueur will joyfully accompany all white wines, Crémants, champagne and cocktails.
Served with caution on all icecream and desserts, its finesse will marvellously complete all fragrances…


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Peach Liqueur

All children or grandchildren of winegrowers will remember these heavenly small vine peaches that were indulged as soon as picked of the tree.

Bring a glass of our Peach Liqueur to your nose and you will be brought back to this childhood memory, this powerful but delicate scent…

Not even tasted, your taste buds will have you want more.
Give them this pleasure !

Taste it basic or with our lovely Crémant de Bourgogne.


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Opening Hours

Monday to Friday
from 8h to 12h and from 12h to 17h
Saturdays from 8h to 11h30


Lamblin & Fils

Rue Marguerite de Bourgogne
89800 Maligny



Tél : 03 86 98 22 00
Fax : 03 86 47 50 12