

Direct pressing

After picking, the grapes are transported in small bins and evacuated by vibration in order to prevent crushing them. The grapes are then sorted out and quickly pressed to extract the juice and avoid any oxydation.

Clarification by settling

Before fermentation, we clarificate the ‘moûts’ (grape juice) that was obtained by pressing. We use the most efficient and qualititive way of settling that consists in letting the biggest particles lay down at the bottom of the tank (cold static decantation of the juice). In most cases, it operates after enzyme adding to hydrolyze the pectinaceous compounds that interfere with spontaneous clarification. The process of settling lasts beween 12 and 24 hours at cold temperatures (14°C to 18°C). The recovered deposits are then retrieved by a distillery.

Natural alcoholic fermentation

Alcoholic fermentation defines the transformation of the sugars to alcohol by natural yeasts with emissin of heath and carbonic gas. To assure continuity of this fermentation, temperature needs to be maintained between 20°C and 22°C.
Our cellar is equipped with steel tanks with movable ceelings (to avoid oxydation and adjust depending on harvested parcels). They are thermo-regulated by a system of coils.
Density is checked daily by mustimetry (measuring the weight of the must, ideally at 992g/L at the end of fermentation). Alcoholic fermentation takes approximately 10 days.

Wine ageing



Before fermentation, we clarify the grape must that is obtained by direct pressing. We use the easiest technique of settling that consists in letting the coarse particuls deposit at the bottom of the tank (static decantation of the juice). In most cases, this happens after enzyme adding to hydrolyse the pectinaceous compounds that compromise spontaneous clarification. This settling lasts about 12 to 24 hours at a temperature of 14°C to 18°C. The deposit then follows its course towards the distillery.

Stirring the lees

(for our Cuvées raised in wooden barrels)

Bâtonnage is a method that consists in re-suspending the lies (dead yeasts, bacteria and grape residual) in a wine. This operation is traditionnally realised with a stick called dodine. The benefits of stirring the lees is to favorise the autolyses of the yeast resulting in a wine that has more body and to favorise the development of complex aromas. We regularly stir our lees on our cuvées of Chablis Wooden Barrel as well as our Chablis Grand Crus.

Refining by collage

After the wine analysis, we complete different kinds of collage:

  • to eliminate the proteins of the wine, we clarify the wine with bentonite. This is a natural clay powder that, in contact with wine, will coagulate and take down all hanging proteins with it
  • to awaiken and refine the aromas while given brightness to the wine, we use Ichtyo- glue (fish glue obtained from dried sturgeon flippers)


Stabilization by cold

Tartaric acid, naturally present in wine, can easily go from a liquid state to a solid state during a ‘thermal shock” (for example by putting a bottle in an ice bucket). To avoid the deposit of these tartar crystals at the bottom of bottles, we stabilize the vin during a week in an isothermal tank at -4°C. This method allows the acceleration of tartaric acid which is then eliminated by a light filtration. It is only carried out after analyses of the wine and not systematic.

Clarification by filtration

To clarify the wine, we conduct a filtration called Kieselguhr by using fine soil issued from diatoms (fossile seaweed with siliceous shell) .


Around the end of March, we begin the bottling of Petit Chablis. Further down the year we will continue with the other appellations. Our Chablis Grands Curs are only bottled after 6 months on fine lies. These fine lies, voluntarily kept after bottling, bring complexity and finess to the wine.


Our bottles are then stocked in a cooled cellar at a constant temperature of 12°C.

The age potential for Chablis wines varies according to which appellation they belong to as well as their vintage. Generally speaking, a Petit Chablis can be tasted young, during the first 2 years after its harvest. However, it is recommended to wait 4 to 5 years to appreciate the complexity of Chablis. The Premier Crus will express their aromas after 6 to 8 years of ageing, and about 10 years will be required for Grands Crus to fully thrive.

Quality control

Since 2000, we are HACCP certified and fulfill all requirements.

HACCP states for Hazard Analysis of Critical Control Point. It is a structured, systematic and methodical procedure of identification evaluation, analyses and expertise of consummers healthrisks and food hygiene. More specifically, it is applied to the whole of technical processes of preparation, fabrication, stocking and distribution of agro-alimentary products. With an update at each changement of specification, material, process and equipment. 

Opening Hours

Monday to Friday
from 8h to 12h and from 14h à 17h
Saturdays from 8h to 11h30


Lamblin & Fils

Rue Marguerite de Bourgogne
89800 Maligny



Tél : 03 86 98 22 00
Fax : 03 86 47 50 12